Jomel Alos

Jomel Alos is a multidisciplined digital marketer with the expertise in creating linkable content.If he’s not working, he’s usually hanging out with his friends or in front of the television or laptop watching dated series or movies. He also calls himself #dudung on social media. For more digital marketing tips and advice from dudung, connect with him on twitter @JomelAlos.

Recent Posts

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March 13, 2019
How Your Current Field Can Help You Enter the Digital Marketing World
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A New Digital Practice: Micro-Moment Marketing
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Dissecting 404: Things That Could Happen if Your Page is Broken
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5 Lessons from Building 100+ Links to a Single Infographic
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Insights from Analyzing Linkable Content with 200+ Links [Study]
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Personalized Marketing: It’s All About Context
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6 Ways to Get More Customer Reviews
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July 12, 2018
✨ Every Blog Content Format You Can Create ✨ (With Examples)
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Updated Guide to Facebook Advertising Placements [Infographic]
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The Secret to a Healthy Client-Agency Relationship
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Frustrated about your business blog's performance?

Stop going around in circles and start implementing a Content Marketing Strategy that works.