Christian Andrada

Christian Andrada, Head of Content at Spiralytics for seven years, specializes in Content Marketing with expertise spanning strategy, production, and social media promotions. Proficient in CRM platforms (HubSpot, MailChimp), CMS platforms (WordPress, Sitecore, Magento), and research tools (Ahrefs, Buzzsumo, Sharedcount, Google Analytics, WriteBrain), Christian is a seasoned digital marketer driving results.

Recent Posts

February 1, 2017
50+ of the Best B2B Content Marketing Resources for Businesses
We all know that Content Marketing will continue to be a big deal in 2017....
December 28, 2016
Why Businesses Should Take Blogging Seriously [12 Reasons]
  Many businesses still don’t see the importance of investing in a blog, and they’re...
Christmas Tree
November 23, 2016
Is Your Content Marketing Ready for the Holidays? 8 Essential Tips ...
  December couldn’t have come faster huh? Since everyone has plans for the holidays, you probably...
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October 10, 2016
7 Essential Keys to a Winning Content Marketing Strategy
Content Marketing continues to be a major player in B2B marketing, with 88% of organizations...
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October 6, 2016
How an Evergreen Post Gained Us 120,000+ Pageviews and DA 80+ Links...
We all have our success stories, and here’s one of ours.
art tools
September 28, 2016
DIY your Content Marketing with this Foolproof 8-Step Process
In recent years, we’ve seen big brands jump into the content marketing bandwagon and transition...
time lapse photography
August 3, 2016
Going Viral: 8 Easy Ways to Get Maximum Traffic to Your Blog Post
Hi there blogger, super pleased to meet you!
pencil and notepad
May 15, 2015
Content Un-Marketing: Breaking Content Marketing Rules Intentionall...
Let’s cut to the chase. The web is filled with how-tos and case studies and...
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February 18, 2015
The Key Players in a Winning Content Marketing Team
  I keep saying that Content Marketing is a team activity. Although many small businesses...
picture of a tree at sunset
February 12, 2015
10 Facts & Figures to Prove Why You Need to do Visual Content ...
It doesn’t take a genius to know that people like browsing visually stimulating content, in...
heart-shaped cushion
February 4, 2014
10 Content Marketing Quotes to Inspire You Everyday
  Couple of years ago, in a company where I previously worked, our team of...
February 2, 2014
Is Your Content Marketing Ready for Valentine’s Day?

Frustrated about your business blog's performance?

Stop going around in circles and start implementing a Content Marketing Strategy that works.