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Can You Trust AI Writing Tools?

Content Marketing

Are you considering using AI writing tools for your content? If so, can you trust these tools?

AI writing tools are software programs that produce content on demand. They can write articles, blog posts, emails, and more—and they’re getting better all the time.

The pros and cons of AI content writing tools have been hotly debated for some time now. Still, there’s no denying that these programs offer something valuable to marketers: a way to scale their content production efforts without adding employees or investing in expensive resources like freelancers.

Here are the pros and cons of AI content writing tools and feature comparison between AI writers and content writers:

AI Writing

AI writer

An AI writer is a tool that uses artificial intelligence to create content.

The most common example of AI writing is Jasper. Jasper can write articles based on existing data sets, such as sports stats or weather patterns. It also generates content based on what it’s already written, so you can use it to write a series of articles about sports scores over time or the weather in different cities at different times of the year.

Another tool called CopyAI works similarly to Jasper, where you would need to include discussion points for the AI to write the content. If you’re interested in learning more content marketing strategies and writing optimization, Spiralytics has you covered.


  • Optimize keyword search

An AI writing tool can help you with optimizing keyword search by helping you write content that includes the keywords you want. This is especially useful if you’re trying to write content for a specific audience and don’t have time to do all the research and keyword tweaking yourself.

A good AI writing tool will use machine learning to understand your audience’s interests and writing style, then use that information to deliver content that is more likely to resonate with them.

  • Tailored to brand voice/needs

AI content writing tools have become more useful with the advent of personalization. Nowadays, you can use AI to help you create content tailored to your industry’s unique needs. There are several ways in which AI can be used to improve your brand’s voice.

The first step is to identify who your audience is. What words do they use? What topics do they talk about? How do they speak? You can start building a picture of how your brand fits. Then, using an AI tool, you can create content matching their expectations.

  • Producing quality content in a short period of time

AI writing tools allow you to create your content by simply filling in the blanks. You need to enter the topic, and the software will provide you with a sentence structure and content based on it.

You’ll be able to save time by using these tools instead of going through the process of writing from scratch.


  • Formulaic approach with less emotional reach

AI writing tools use a formulaic approach that leads to less emotional reach. The reason for this is that it’s trying to appeal to everyone, which means it can’t connect with its audience on an emotional level.

Compared to human writers, it can’t write how you would. It’s essentially spitting out words based on what it thinks will work best for the reader.

  • Lack of Creativity

The problem with AI-generated content is that it lacks the creativity that makes writing meaningful and valuable.

That’s because AI isn’t capable of making choices, which makes human beings unique. You can pursue your ideas and make decisions based on your experience rather than following a pre-programmed set of instructions.

  • High dependency on the algorithm

The AI writing tool can be a great tool to help you with your content creation, but it can be too dependent on the algorithm. The more complex the algorithm, the less meaningful content it will create for you.

This happens because of how algorithms work—they take input and process it through a series of steps to produce an output. In this case, the input is the data that makes up what you want to be written, and then several steps go into creating your final product: finding keywords, understanding context, and so on.

Comparison between AI writers and content writers

  • Humans have better judgment

When you’re writing something yourself, you have a better sense of the context and tone of what you’re trying to say than an AI tool does. An AI tool can’t tell if this sentence is supposed to be funny or serious or whether it’s meant for a website or an email.

A human writer can also research and find out information about their topic and use that knowledge to help them write more effectively.

  • Humans can understand the audience better

People understand how to communicate with each other, and they know what works best when connecting with others. This means that you are able to create content that resonates with their audience while AI tools are still trying to figure out what works best for humans.

  • Humans can personalize different content

Humans need to be involved in creating content because they have unique experiences and perspectives that machines can’t duplicate. You know your audience, your industry, and the kind of content you’re making, all of which contribute to the personalization of that specific content.

You can see things differently than an AI, and your ability to articulate those perspectives is one of the things that it lacks.


AI writing tools offer a variety of benefits, but that doesn’t mean humans are no longer needed in the process. You still have advantages that an AI doesn’t have, so it’s about working with these AI writing tools to drive quality content.

If you are interested in learning more about content marketing, Spiralytics offers various services that can help your business. Contact us today to learn more about our content marketing services.