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50 LinkedIn Ads Statistics and Key Insights

Paid Advertising

In this digital age, where every click counts, and every impression matters, LinkedIn stands out as the platform for professionals and businesses to connect, engage, and grow.

LinkedIn isn’t just another social media platform; it’s a dynamic ecosystem with plenty of opportunities for marketers to showcase their brands and attract top talent. This article will discuss  LinkedIn Ads statistics, which offer valuable insights into the performance and effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.

Key LinkedIn Ads Statistics and Insights in 2024

Understanding the demographics and behaviors of users is crucial so you know how to run ads on LinkedIn.  Consider these statistics:

LinkedIn Ads user statistics

Here are some of the statistics regarding the users on the platform:

1. Large user base

With over 1 billion members worldwide, LinkedIn is one of the largest professional networking platforms, offering chances for businesses to connect with their target audience.

2. LinkedIn for job search

LinkedIn is the go-to platform for job seekers, with 1.61 million people actively using it to explore career opportunities and network with industry professionals.

3. Gender distribution on LinkedIn

The platform boasts a relatively balanced gender demographic, with 56.4% male and 43.6% female users, offering advertisers a diverse audience to target their campaigns.

4. Daily active users

Approximately 16.2% of LinkedIn users are active on the platform daily, indicating consistent engagement and potential opportunities for brands to reach their target audience with timely content and ads.

5. Managerial audience

A staggering 72% of weekly active members hold managerial positions or higher, surpassing other social platforms and making LinkedIn an ideal platform for B2B marketing and reaching decision-makers.

6. In-market audience

LinkedIn users show a preference for high-value products and services, including personal luxury vehicles (52%), travel (69%), and personal savings/investment products (61%), allowing marketers to target users with relevant offerings.

7. Purchase intent

Research indicates that after spending just two minutes on LinkedIn, users want to pay 22% more on high-consideration goods in the next year than those visiting other social platforms.

8. Industry preferences

LinkedIn attracts users from diverse industries, including technology, finance, healthcare, and education, allowing advertisers to tailor their campaigns to specific demographics.

9. Global reach

While LinkedIn has an international user base, specific countries, such as the United States (230 million) and India (130 million), have the most users, presenting regional targeting opportunities for advertisers.

10. Educational background

One-third of LinkedIn users hold bachelor’s degrees or equivalents. In contrast, 26% have master’s degrees or higher, making the platform ideal for promoting higher education programs and professional development courses.

Other stats to consider:

11. Age distribution

There is a growing presence of younger professionals and recent graduates on the platform, with 47% being millennials, offering advertisers access to a diverse age demographic.

12. Mobile usage

60% of LinkedIn’s traffic comes from mobile devices, emphasizing the importance of mobile-friendly ad formats and strategies.

13. Engagement trends

Users are 2.5 times more likely to view content formats like the platform’s videos.

14. Networking behavior

LinkedIn regularly saw high engagement rates in 2022, with ads having 4 times higher open rates and 40% of users interacting with a page organically every week.

15. Language diversity

LinkedIn currently supports 28 languages, catering to a diverse global audience. Advertisers can use language targeting options to reach users in their preferred language, enhancing the effectiveness of their ad campaigns in international markets and multicultural communities.

16. Time on the platform

LinkedIn users only spend about 17 minutes on the platform per month, meaning that marketers have to make an impression quickly to stand out from the competition.

17. Pictures on posts

Because images can attract more attention than text, posts with them are 2 times more likely to generate engagement from their audience. Advertisers should include photos in posts to take advantage of this.

18. B2B audience

The platform has over 58.4 million registered companies, making it an excellent avenue for B2B marketing.

19. B2B in marketing strategies

Around 75% of B2B marketers use Linkedin Ads in their campaigns.

20. Live-streaming

Live videos are effective for business outreach, generating 7 times more reactions and 24 times more comments than regular videos.

These numbers show that tapping into LinkedIn’s vast audience means better returns regarding advertising. Not only do you have the advantage of a very diverse global audience, but you can also find your niche based on your industry.

LinkedIn Ads for businesses (and marketers)

Here are some of the crucial statistics related to businesses to remember when you want to know how to run Linkedin Ads:

21. Revenue growth

LinkedIn’s revenue increased by 8% in the first quarter of 2024, signaling robust growth and investment opportunities for businesses looking to capitalize on the platform’s advertising solutions.

22. Success rate

82% of businesses report success with their LinkedIn advertising campaigns, making the platform effective in driving meaningful results and delivering value to advertisers.

23. Marketer adoption

92% of marketers use LinkedIn for organic social marketing, underscoring the platform’s popularity and effectiveness in reaching and engaging with professional audiences.

24. Organic marketing

77% of marketers cite LinkedIn as the best platform for generating organic results, designating it as the preferred destination for content distribution and thought leadership initiatives. 94% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn to distribute content.

25. Conversion potential

LinkedIn Ads are reportedly 6 times more likely to convert than other digital advertising platforms, making it a lucrative channel for driving lead generation and sales. Brands have seen a 33% increase in purchase intent from ad exposure on LinkedIn. Marketers see up to 2x higher conversion rates on LinkedIn. Audiences exposed to brand and acquisition messages on LinkedIn are 6x more likely to convert.

26. Hashtags

The most popular hashtags for digital marketing on Linkedin are #DigitalMarketing (27,076,336 followers), #ContentStrategy (1,115,310 followers), and #EmailMarketing (504,616 followers).

27. Weekly posting

Companies that make weekly content to their pages experience 5.6 times more growth in followers. Having valuable content attracts more customers who are interested in learning more.

28. ROI

70% of marketers believe they get positive ROI on Linkedin compared to other platforms such as Instagram and Facebook.

29. Brand reputation

Brands who publish their ads on LinkedIn gain a more positive reputation – with users seeing them as 92% more professional and 50% higher quality.

30. Lower CPA

Companies that use LinkedIn’s conversion tracking tool to monitor their campaigns see a 13.5% lower cost per acquisition than those that don’t use it. The tool makes it extremely useful to monitor which strategies are working and what improvements advertisers should make. Single Job Ad format delivers 52% Decrease in average cost per applicant and 25% Increase in average click to apply rate

31. Higher CTR

Clickthrough rate can be 60% higher than average CTR across  other social networks. Sponsored Messaging ads with hyperlinks are proven to lift CTR by 21%

Other stats to consider:

32. Market forecast

Linkedin ad revenue is expected to hit $10.35 billion by 2027.

33. Brand reputation

More than two-thirds (68%) of people trust recommendations they get on LinkedIn (versus 33% for Twitter and 18% for Facebook).

34. Content type

The type of content that 60% of audiences follow are events, with 59% looking out for company news. 

35. Video length

Video ads using videos under 30 seconds reported a 200% lift in view completion rates. Including a high-quality image in your ad can result in a 98% higher comment rate.

36. Content length

Sponsored messaging ads with Body text under 500 characters drives a 46% higher click-through-rate (CTR) on average. 

37. Budget for ad spend

The recommended starting budget for Linkedin Ads is around $5,000 monthly, distributed among awareness, lead generation, and website traffic. However, some budgets can go as low as $2,000 monthly. 

38. Daily budget

LinkedIn may charge you up to 150% of your daily budget if there’re great opportunities in the auction for you during that day.

39. Ad cost

Linkedin ads cost per lead is 28% lower than Google AdWords for B2B campaigns.

40. Buying power

One of the reasons why businesses see a lot of success on LinkedIn is because users on the platform have twice the buying power of other audiences. 

41. Short-term ad performance

Businesses with ads on Linkedin see a boost of around 10-15% in short-term ad performance, which translates to small wins and more leads.

42. Sponsored messaging

89% of consumers would like to use messaging with businesses, but only 48% of businesses use sponsored messaging to engage with prospects and customers.

43. Linkedin messages

In the last five years (2019), messages sent via LinkedIn Messaging has more than quadrupled — and our messaging reply rate has grown 30%

44. Message Ads

LinkedIn’s Message Ads drive stronger engagement and response than traditional email marketing, with average open rates of 50% vs. 21% industry benchmark for email marketing.

45. Video views

Video views are defined as +2 seconds continuous view at 50% or more on screen.

46. Lead generation

LinkedIn is rated the top social network for lead generation. Linkedin is the preferred platform by B2B marketers for paid ads with 78% saying that they used it in the past 12 months. Brands see a 2–3x lift in brand attributes when advertising on LinkedIn.

47. Average CTR of Linkedin:

  • Sponsored Content (Single Image): 0.56%
  • Sponsored Content (Carousel): 0.40%
  • Sponsored Content (Video): 0.44%
  • Message Ads: 3% with open rates at 30%
  • LinkedIn Document ad: 0.43%
  • LinkedIn Event Ad: 0.55%

48. Average Cost per Click:

  • Average Cost per Click (LinkedIn)$5 to $10
  • Average Cost per 1,000 impressions (CPM): $30.00 to $35.00
  • Average Cost per Send (CPS): $0.50 to $1

49. Click-through rate (CTR) per ad format:

  • Sponsored Content (Single Image): 0.56%
  • Sponsored Content (Carousel): 0.40%
  • Sponsored Content (Video): 0.44%
  • Message Ads: 3% with open rates at 30%
  • LinkedIn Document ad: 0.43%
  • LinkedIn Event Ad: 0.55%

50. CTR by job function:

  • Accounting: 0.60%
  • Business Development: 0.65%
  • Education: 0.65%
  • Engineering: 0.57%
  • Finance: 0.60%
  • Human Resources: 0.62%
  • Informational Technology: 0.57%
  • Marketing: 0.60%
  • Media and Communications: 0.63%
  • Operations: 0.55%
  • Product Management: 0.54%
  • Sales: 0.58%

Businesses that decide to put up campaigns on LinkedIn demonstrate that there are a lot of advantages to using the platform. While not as affordable as other sites, advertising on LinkedIn is typically seen as higher quality and places more trust in your brand.


Are LinkedIn Ads expensive?

LinkedIn Ads can vary in cost depending on factors such as targeting options, bidding strategies, and ad formats. While LinkedIn recommends a minimum daily budget of $10, advertisers typically see better results with a budget of $150 per day or more.

Are Linkedin Ads better than Google Ads?

The effectiveness of LinkedIn Ads versus Google Ads depends on a business’s specific goals and target audience. While Google Ads effectively reach users actively searching for products or services, LinkedIn Ads excel in targeting professionals and decision-makers in a B2B context, offering unique targeting options and networking.

How can I target specific audiences with LinkedIn Ads?

LinkedIn Ads offer advanced targeting options based on criteria such as job title, company size, industry, skills, and more. Advertisers can create highly targeted campaigns by leveraging these options to reach professionals who match their ideal customer profile.

What ad formats are available on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn offers various ad formats tailored to different advertising objectives, including Sponsored Content, Sponsored InMail, Dynamic Ads, Text Ads, and Carousel Ads. Each format provides unique benefits and capabilities for engaging with LinkedIn users.

Transforming Your Strategies With LinkedIn Ads

With its robust targeting options and proven effectiveness, LinkedIn offers many opportunities to reach professionals, generate leads, and foster meaningful connections. Remember, strategic budgeting and understanding your audience are vital to maximizing ROI. Don’t forget to optimize your ad content and track performance for continuous improvement.

Want to improve your business growth through LinkedIn? Consider partnering with Spiralytics. We’re an advertising agency in the Philippines ready to deliver solutions tailored to your needs.

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